Some leaders are born women – Much love and respect Jacinda Ardern (Prime Minister of New Zealand) New Zealand’s Prime Minister May Be the Most Effective Leader on the Planet – Jacinda Ardern’s leadership style, focused on empathy, isn’t just resonating with her people; it’s putting the country on track for success against the coronavirus.
A message from our Founder & CEO
Dear Supporter, It has been a tough few weeks so I would like to start this email by sending my best wishes to you and your loved ones. Never have we experienced a time like this and never has there been more need for people to come together, if anything what we have learnt in […]
Transforming Lives: Pakistan
Ayesha Waheed, 35, Pakistan Her passion and chosen business is crochet, tailoring and embroidery. Ayesha’s husband is mentally ill and unable to work, she has 4 children.
The Making of a Business Woman in Malawi
“Thank you Forgotten Women for giving me this wonderful opportunity to have my own business, please do help others in the community as many women need help and many women hope to have businesses of their own so they too can have a secure income for themselves and their family” Beitha is 26 years old […]
100% Success Rate
“I would love for you to visit my area and see the conditions we live in but the area is too dangerous.” Fatima Ibrahim Ishaq, Somalia Fatima lives in an IDP camp, an area of Qahida where poverty is widespread. She has 4 children and no additional support of income. She earns little through cleaning […]
5K Pedal for Poverty Challenge
Take on the ‘Pedal For Poverty 5K Fun Challenge’ and Rebuild lives! Pedal from London Bridge around the city passing famous buildings and raise money for poverty. Each pedibus takes 8 people, so come as an individual or come as a half or a full team. Pedalling a pedibus is teamwork and a fun packed […]