Homes for Life – Forgotten Women

Homes for Life

Women on the streets face a relentless battle, striving to protect themselves and their children from danger. They are at serious risk of sexual abuse and kidnapping.

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A home for life provides a safe space for women and their children who are enduring the harsh realities of extreme poverty and life’s many challenges.

Extreme heat during the days and the fear of harassment at night – homeless women face a relentless battle for survival. Poverty has many dark sides, one of which is trafficking, women are lured, and children are stolen and sold into exploitative industries. Many of these women and children are living on the roadside, exposed to all elements of danger.

Women living in the open are at a heightened risk of sexual abuse. Without the protection of a secure shelter, they are vulnerable to violence and exploitation, facing a constant threat of abuse and assault. Addressing this issue is crucial to ensuring their safety and dignity. There are many reasons why women find themselves homeless, with the most common being:

1. Extreme poverty
2. Domestic abuse
3. Divorce
4. Mental health
5. Attempted honour killings

Women’s concerns about safety extend to their children, leaving them restless and anxious when night falls. Abida from India for example, became homeless after her marriage ended due to years of domestic abuse, Abida shared: “I cannot sleep at night because of my 3-year-old. There have been many instances of children being kidnapped. I keep my child close to me, tied to my chest with my scarf at night. This way, even the slightest touch alerts me.”

Exploitation of Women  

In any disaster and emergency women will be the first to suffer if a male guardian is not present. Women become an easy target for exploitation and violation of their dignity. The responsibility is now upon the women for collecting supplies for their families which make them vulnerable in so many ways. Many times, women are side-lined and no aid will reach them and as a result women will be the most malnourished and potentially die from the lack of food. Forgotten Women has a strict ethical code of conduct which has zero tolerance to sexual exploitation of the weak and vulnerable. We are here to serve those in need and in the same breath protect those who we serve. To honour our safe aid policy we only allow women on the front line to deliver aid (women to women contact).


What we are doing and why:

1. Building brick homes: We are constructing durable, brick concrete homes for women and their children
2. Providing safety: These homes offer a crucial sense of safety and security and they are theirs for life
3. Offering basic foundations: By providing stable housing, we give women the essential foundation they need to begin rebuilding their lives

There is a pressing need to protect these vulnerable women living in the open by providing safe and secure housing. We are building ‘Homes for Life’ to house women and their children where their dignity is protected.


Home for Life:
Pakistan £750 | Malawi £1350 | Bangladesh £1775

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