Wells of Dignity – Forgotten Women

Wells of Dignity

Wells of Dignity are designed to give women access to clean water in a safe and sound manner free from threats and attacks of sexual violence.

Females are the primary water bearers in most countries, at least 2.1 billion people around the world face challenges obtaining water every day. In some countries women and young girls walk up to 3 hours through the night in remote areas in order to queue for water as early as 1am, ready for morning use. On this journey they face many dangers, the most horrific being sexual attacks, abduction and rape.

In some cases, conditions are put on the access to water. In Malawi for example, it has been reported that the village of Kalambule had no access to water and women had to walk for hours along a remote route. The keeper of the water well only approved the women to come at night and they were only allowed one helping of water per household.

Forgotten Women delivered wells of dignity for the women of Kalambule which also gave access to all the neighbouring villages. As the well was being made, the women danced out of joy and gratitude because their hardship was coming to an end.

The team encourages local women and children from the villages to get involved in the build of the well, which in turn will provide ownership, care and gratitude.

The 6 Benefits:

1- Reduces the risk of women and girls being sexually attacked, kidnapped and/or sold into the sex trade
2- Stops life threatening illness associated with drinking dirty water
3- Empowers women by making free time available to pursue livelihood
4- Enables girls access to education rather than spending hours fetching water
5- Gives women & girls freedom of safe movement
6- Water is made available to all communities without conditions for generations to come


No woman or girl should have to compromise her dignity for water which is a basic human right and a necessity for life  [Lucy Rae, Partnership Director]


Forgotten Women has direct access to local supply chains to implement the delivery of wells of dignity, this enables us to keep the costs low. This also provides employment as we only engage local labourers to work under the directions of a project manager. Wells of dignity is currently being implemented in Malawi, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Yemen and Syria with the aim of giving a quality of life and safety which every woman deserves.

Pakistan Balochistan £150 / Sindh £250 | Bangladesh £350 | Yemen £20,000  |  Yemen Water Truck (200 people) £75 | Afghanistan £1500  |  Malawi £550 / Borehole £3000

Wells of Dignity

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