Women In Business – Forgotten Women

Women In Business

Forgotten Women aims to make businesswomen from those suffering deep poverty around the world, so they can earn with their own hands which in-turn will make them independent and protect their dignity. The purpose of our project is to enable women to escape the poverty trap for good. We believe in our hand-up policy and do not want women to be dependent on handouts every month. This initiative has a 95% success rate of women leaving the crippling poverty trap and not having to turn to desperate measures including selling their bodies to put food on the table.

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The lack of opportunities has led some women to either selling their organs or their children for $500. Out of desperation, some will give away their daughters, as young as 10, for marriage to much older men to receive a dowry of £400 ($500).

Women in developing countries face many challenges because of the level of poverty and the lack of opportunities, many women resort to extreme measures such as begging and selling their bodies to provide one meal a day. From time to time there are laborious jobs where a woman is required to work 16-18 hours a day for as little as 50p a day which in many cases is enough to buy basic bread or potatoes for the family.

Forgotten Women has met with many women who for a mere £300-£400 ($375 to $500) have either sold their organ or their child. Out of desperation, some will give away their girls, as young as 10, for marriage to much older men to receive a dowry of £400 ($500). And as a last resort many will turn to prostitution because they have no other option.

We have sat with women who have said that they buy potatoes for their family, one day they will eat the skin and the next day they will eat the inner content because that’s all they can afford.

The struggles in these countries are real and testing on many levels, many women have told the team that the mental pressure of having to provide basic meals for their children takes a toll.

Orphan sponsorship is very popular, many charities collect donations for orphans which will fund their schooling and meals, this could consist of a continuous donation of £30 – £40 a month for many years. This helps one child and not the entire family, and in many cases the children will be funded to stay at an orphanage which means being separated from their family, there are studies conducted on children being separated from the family which can leave damaging effects on the psychological development of the child because they are exposed to prolonged separation, such as problems with relationships, depression and long-term emotional and behavioural difficulties.


For 43 years the Afghani people have been living through occupation, our team from the UK have sat with the women in Afghanistan, and they have told us of their accounts of mass rape where they suffered and watched their daughters being raped in front of them while the men were massacred before their eyes. We have visited villages which are largely occupied by widows as majority of the men were killed. 

In such circumstances women are left with no support or even basic food and when the desperation sets in, they look to sell any assets to save themselves and family members, this includes selling themselves, their children, and their organs. The streets are littered with women begging for food, many women have been forced to sell their daughters as young as 4 to feed themselves and their children. They are forced with difficult choices when facing continuous starvation, the desperation leads them to selling one child even for as little as £500 to save the rest of the family.

What We Are Doing:

  1. Business set up for widow and her children, giving her an instant income for years to come
    (permanent change, Zakah eligible, one-off donation)
    £1000 (US$ 1250).
  2. £100 (US$ 125) for 10 months.


The floods hit Pakistan a year ago, 33 million people were displaced, most of whom were women and children. The waters affected an area the size of Great Britain.


Poverty’s pervasive grip on Pakistan remains a largely unnoticed crisis, perpetuating despair and hardship. Forgotten Women witnesses the poignant stories of those trapped within poverty’s cycle, a grim reality exacerbated by political turmoil, corruption, and governance fragility. Scarce resources, misallocated due to inefficiency, compound the struggle, leaving marginalised communities without access to fundamental rights like education, healthcare, and sanitation. Women bear a disproportionate burden, denied opportunities by illiteracy and lack of skills. Even agriculture, sustaining millions, falls victim to outdated practices and unpredictable weather, pushing farmers deeper into poverty.


Forgotten Women recognises that true change stems from empowering the roots of transformation. Education, healthcare, and skill development are vital tools to unlock opportunities, yet they face challenges due to diminishing financial support and corruption. In a developing nation where, micro enterprises constitute 95% of businesses, Forgotten Women confronts these issues head-on. Their initiatives strive to nurture a new wave of female entrepreneurs, fostering resilience and success. These steps aim to dismantle the chains of poverty, revitalising forgotten aspirations and illuminating a path to a more equitable Pakistan. So, let’s create entrepreneurs together and empower the women of Pakistan.


What We Are Doing:

  1. Business set up for widow and her children, giving her an instant income for years to come
    (permanent change, Zakah eligible, one-off donation)
    £1000 (US$ 1250).
  2. £100 (US$ 125) for 10 months.


After 12 years of war, the Syrians continue to suffer, more than 13 million people have been forced to flee their homes, and an estimated 15 million are now relying on humanitarian assistance. The never-ending disasters kept many families moving from place to place in search of safety, especially in the war-torn north, where some cities have been reduced to rubble by their own government forces.

On 6th of February 2023, survivors already exhausted and vulnerable from the war were dealt another blow when a huge earthquake rocked the region causing loss of life, limb and security. Families are still grieving at the loss of loved ones, with one family of 22 losing 11 members to the earthquake.

Creating permanent income generation solutions for Syrians has been challenging due to the continuous changing landscape and situation of the people. Now that around 5 million Syrians have settled in free-Syria area of Azaz and Idlib, working in Syria has become easier under the Turkish government. We are therefore able to provide instant income generating businesses for women and their families. 


What We Are Doing:

  1. Business set up for widow and her children, giving her an instant income for years to come
    (permanent change, Zakah eligible, one-off donation)
    £1000 (US$ 1250).
  2. £100 (US$ 125) for 10 months.


Bangladesh has been on the rise for the last 10 years. Business (GDP) has continuously grown for the country, however, the lack of spend on the people & infrastructure is apparent and poverty remains as one of the biggest causes of hunger and famine. Living conditions are very challenging for the poor. The country has a large population of 170 million and competing for jobs and income.

We have been successfully setting up women with businesses for a few years and the results are remarkable. Most of the women make between £150 (US$ 190) – £250 (US$ 310) monthly.  There are some remarkable women who earn a profit of £350 (US$ 440) per month.

What We Are Doing:

  1. Business set up for widow and her children, giving her an instant income for years to come
    (permanent change, Zakah eligible, one-off donation) £1000 (US$ 1250).
  2. £100 (US$125) a month for 10 months.
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Forgotten Women